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Assembly Source File
224 lines
page 80,132
title QPRINT5 - Place data directly into display buffer
name qprint
; Segment, group definitions
qprint_code segment para public 'CODESG'
dseg segment word public 'DATASG'
dseg ends
dgroup group dseg
assume cs:qprint_code,ds:dgroup
; Other definitions
argz equ 6[bp] ; Last arg
argy equ 8[bp] ; Last arg but one
argx equ 10[bp] ; Last arg but two
argw equ 12[bp] ; Last arg but three
subttl QPRINT - Direct video I/O
page +
comment &
Description: Print a string direct to video
where ATTR% (attribute) examples:
112 - reverse video
113 - underlined
135 - blinking
15 - high intensity
7 - normal
Authors: Dan Rollins, Vern Buerg, Tom Neff
Revised: Version 2q, Sept 2, 1984
Combined into ATORTS 21-Oct-85
Add /H conditional horizontal retrace delay 10-22-85
Version 2v, Dec 15, 1985
Make DESQview/Topview compatible
; Map the BIOS data area variables we'll use
bios_data segment at 40H ; set up labels to determine
org 10H ; color or monochrome card
equip_flag label word
org 49H ; 40 or 80 column display
crt_mode db ? ; CRT mode flag
crt_clms label word
org 63H
addr_6845 label word ; points to video card ports
bios_data ends
; Here's the common flag for horizontal retrace delay --
; cleared by QPKHRD
do_wait equ 0FFH
dont_wait equ 000H
hrd_flag db do_wait ; Default setting
init_flag db 0 ; First time init switch
pad_seg dw 0 ; Seg addr of video buffer/pad
pad_offset dw 0 ; -offset addr
card_addr dw 0 ; Addr of video card
; Rejoin CODE and start the public routine
assume es:bios_data
public qprint
qprint proc far
push bp
mov bp,sp ; point to arguments on stack
mov bx,argy ; get addr of CLM% storage
mov di,[bx] ; get the column value
dec di ; adjust for LOCATE format
mov bx,argx ; get addr of ROW% storage
mov ax,[bx] ; get the screen line value
dec ax ; adjust for LOCATE format
mov bx,argw ; get ptr to string descriptor
mov ch,0 ; clear hi-byte
mov cl,[bx] ; get length of string
cmp cl,0 ; null string?
jne get_display
jmp exit2 ; if so,do nothing, Else,
mov si,2[bx] ; SI => 1st character of VAR$
mov bx,bios_data ; get ready to determine card type
mov es,bx ; and number of columns
mul crt_clms ; AX = CLM% * words per line
add di,ax ; DI = words from start of screen
shl di,1 ; adjust for attribute bytes
; CX has the count of characters to write,
; SI points to the string data,
; DI points to a screen position
cmp init_flag,0 ; already have video stuff?
jne skip_init ; yup, neato
mov init_flag,1
mov dx,addr_6845 ; point to 6845 base port
add dx,6 ; point to status port
mov ax,0B800H ; default to color card
;; mov bx,equip_flag
;; and bx,30H
cmp crt_mode,30H ; is it monochrome?
jne card_ok ; no, go
mov ax,0B000H ; yes, set for monochrome
mov hrd_flag,dont_wait ; and force /H
push cx
mov pad_seg,ax ; save display seg addr
mov card_addr,dx
mov cx,'DE' ; check for DV only
mov dx,'SQ'
mov ax,2b01h
int 21h
pop cx
cmp al,0ffh
je skip_init
push di ; get display addr from
sub di,di ; desqview
mov es,pad_seg ; buffer segment
mov ah,0feh
int 10h
mov pad_seg,es ; actual pad addr
mov pad_offset,di
pop di
mov bx,argz ; Addr of ATTR%
mov bh,0[bx] ; Get the color value
mov ax,pad_seg ; seg addr of video buffer/pad
mov es,ax ; points ES:DI to video area
add di,pad_offset
mov dx,card_addr ; addr of video port
; DS points to BASIC variables area
; ES points to video card memory
; Now display VAR$ on the screen.
call print_string
pop bp
ret 8 ; intersegment return,
; clearing stack of 4 args
qprint endp
; This local routine displays a string of characters.
; DS:SI => first character of string
; ES:DI => screen memory to display it
; CX = number of characters to display
; DX => status port of video card
; BL = attribute character
print_string proc near
lodsb ; get next char
mov bl,al ; save char
cmp hrd_flag,dont_wait ; Horiz retrace delay needed?
je write_now ; No, skip it
; Wait for horizontal retrace
in al,dx ; get status
test al,1 ; is it low?
jnz test_low ; no, keep checking
cli ; turn off interrupts
in al,dx ; get status
test al,1 ; is it high?
jz test_hi ; no, keep checking
; okay to write to screen now (no 'hash')
mov ax,bx ; recover char and attr
stosw ; char and attr to buffer
sti ; turn interrupts back on
loop print_string ; do till end of string
ret ; back to qprint proc
print_string endp
qprint_code ends